SPIRIT QUARTZ - Crystal of Radiance -A Hundred Voice Choir

Spirit Quartz increases both physical and intellectual fertility. The energy helps to stimulate group cohesiveness and a willingness to work together. It also assists in bringing the "group" energy of other crystals to the surrounding environment, enhancing harmony and peace within groups, in the family, and in other social and/or business environments.

This crystal is a wonderful companion when one is experiencing the loss of a loved one, bringing understanding of the process and assisting in transition (for both).                       . 

Use to stimulate the manifestation of "abundance" in one's life and to activate and to cleanse other minerals, to enhance and to increase the energy of other minerals. It has also been used to elevate one's sense of self-worth, and to relieve one of difficult memories from the past.

Spirit Quartz is said to bring qualities of energy, peace, and positive energy to all realms. It is understood to transform negative energy into positive energy, thereby being a very protective stone, and excellent for auric shielding as well as mental and physical types of protection.

Spirit Quartz is an unusual member of the Quartz family - a community within a stone. Its core, a larger, candle-shaped crystal with a faceted termination point, is encrusted with hundreds of smaller crystal termination points. Also referred to as Cactus Quartz or Porcupine Quartz, it is found only in the Magaliesberg Mountain region of South Africa, first appearing around 2001. Most Spirit Quartz is Amethyst, though Citrine, Smokey, and White Quartz are also mined.

In the metaphysical world, Spirit Quartz is a crystal of Harmony and Alignment. It takes all the crystal energies of the main stone and amplifies them over and over again in all the tiny points, each reflecting light back and forth to one another so all can bathe in the combined radiance of the whole. In the Book of Stones, Naisha Ahsian describes this crystal as "a hundred-voice choir singing in harmony." Its resonance is spiritually uplifting, radiating high-vibrational energy in all directions, and is a perfect ally in aligning the aura, chakras, meridians and the physical body, as well as carrying the gifts of Spirit out into the world.

There are four natural forms of Spirit Quartz - Amethyst, Citrine, Smokey, and White Quartz, sometimes occurring in combinations within a specimen.

Spirit quartz is also excellent and often used for astral projection, dream work, shamanic journeying, and rebirthing. Emotionally it is said to remove fear, bringing emotional peace and happiness. Spirit quartz works very well with other minerals and can boost their energy as well as cleanse and activate them.

Spirit quartz is used for skin disorders, allergic reactions, colon disorders, detoxification, obsessive disorders, familial abuse related stress disorders. Spirit quartz will work to align and balance all Chakras together.

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